Wednesday, January 22
6:00 p.m. –
Holy Eucharist
Jamie, celebrant
/ preacher
Deacon John, assisting
Incense will be offered at this mass
afterward at a local restaurant
Friday, January 24
Fr. Jamie’s day off
*please refrain from
sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on
his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.
Sunday, January 26 – 2 Epiphany
11:00 a.m. –
Holy Eucharist
Blessing of
Jamie, celebrant
/ preacher
Deacon John, assisting
Mackay, organist
We would love
to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass
livestreamed at:
Annual Meeting
January 26
St. Stephen’s will hold its annual meeting on Sunday,
January 26, following Holy Eucharist. There will be a potluck as well that day.
Please plan on joining us for this important day as we plan
for another year of service and ministry.
New Member Sunday on
January 26
We will welcome new members of St. Stephen’s on Sunday January
28 during our Sunday morning Eucharist. If you are interested in joining St.
Stephen’s, please contact Fr. Jamie
Fr. Jamie on mini-sabbatical
Fr. Jamie will be on vacation January 27-March 1.
While he is gone there will be no Wednesday night masses.
If there are any pastoral emergencies, please contact
Deacon John or simply all the church and leave a message. The messages will be
checked daily by Deacon John while Fr. Jamie is gone.
Upcoming Events:
January 26 –
Annual Meeting
January 27 –
February 28th Fr. Jamie on Sabbatical
March 4 –
Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday/Burying the Alleluia/Burning of Palms
March 5 – Ash
Words of Wisdom:
Let your words
be the genuine picture of your heart ~John Wesley
From the Green Team:
A simple way
to reduce food waste is to ensure your fruits and vegetables are stored
properly. This will help them stay fresh longer, providing a larger window for
you to enjoy them.
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