Sunday, May 26, 2024

The week of May 27

 Monday, May 27

Office closed

Tuesday, May 28

Ambassador deadline


Wednesday, May 29

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant


 Friday, May 31

Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.



Saturday, June 1

8:00 a.m. Planting of the pocket prairie (Volunteers needed)


Sunday, June 2 – 2 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher


Deacon John, assisting

James Mackay, organist

Coffee hour following Mass


We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Upcoming Events:

June 9 – Fr. Jamie’s 20th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood open house.

June 16: Memorial service for Karl Keene, 2 p.m.

June 30: James Stalboerger’s baptism


Words of Wisdom:

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. ~Helen Keller


From the Green Team:

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ~Mother Teresa





Volunteers needed


Volunteers are needed to help out planting the pocket prairie on Saturday morning, June 1st at 8 AM. No one has to bring anything other than maybe gardening gloves if they wish. 


St. Stephen's is pleased to announce we are planting our native grasses and forbs into our pollinator garden. By reintroducing native plants at St. Stephen's we're upholding creation care and providing food and habitat for pollinators in our community, while also reducing water and fertilizer use. We were able to fund this effort with help from the county conservation district and a grant from the Episcopal Foundation. Not only will our native planting benefit the environment, but it will also yield spectacular blooms in the future as our plants mature and raise awareness on how we can all make our lawns more environmentally friendly. 


Volunteers needed for election observation

The League of Women Voters of North Dakota is seeking volunteers for a nonpartisan statewide election observation program for the June 11, 2024 State Primary.   Volunteers will receive materials and training beforehand. If you are interested, see the link below or contact Amy Phillips (


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