Monday, November 14, 2022

Pledge Cards


Pledge cards and Time and Talent Sheets were handed out yesterday morning at our Stewardship luncheon hosted by the Vestry. They will be mailed to those who were not able to be in church. Please fill them out send them back in by Dec. 4 for our pledge in-gathering.

 Even if you are joining us by Livestream only, pledge consider even a one-time pledging so we can continue to do our ministries. If you would like to pledge please contact Fr. Jamie for a Pledge card and information about how to pledge.



Gracious and loving God, giver of all that is good and true and beautiful and life-giving. These cards represent our sweat, they represent our lives, they represent our dreams. The pledges which we make on them are but tokens of the awesome gifts that have been given to us and they are pledged in thanksgiving for all we have received, for all we have been inspired to be, for all we are challenged to become, in this place.  May they be the first fruits of all we have and not what we have left over, so that we may live out as closely as possible how you give to us. May we see them as our offering to you, sacred, holy, yet earthy, filled with possibilities. May we hold this image in our hearts and minds so as we watch our offerings each week come to your table, we can see our very selves being part of this offering, it is us on the table, living sacrifices to you. Amen.

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