Thursday, March 31, 2022

UPDATED Covid Protocols (as of April 1): A Return to "Normal"

April 1, 2022

Dear St. Stephen’s members and friends,

It is with great joy (and a bit of trepidation) that I can announce that as of April 1, and with the steady waning of the Covid pandemic, we will once again return fully to pre-pandemic standards at St. Stephen’s. As we approach the Easter season, it is time to celebrate the ending of this dark and terrible time in our common lives, give thanks to God for bringing us through and to come back together after two years of separation.

I, along with the Wardens and Vestry, am inviting and encouraging all parishioners to return to in-person worship if they are able.

Please be aware that as we come together again, there will be a few new ways of doing church that we will continue to follow:

MASKING Masks are no longer required for any liturgies, coffee hour or any other in-building gathering at this time, though anyone who needs to wear a mask should do so.

PASSING THE PEACEWe will continue to use touch-free greetings.

 OFFERING: We will continue to use the plates at the front of the church. There will be no more “passing of the plate” at the offering.  

 HANDOUTS: We will continue to use disposable booklets for all liturgies.

 FOOD Coffee Hour is re-instated as it was before the pandemic.

 ONLINE WORSHIP: Online worship through Livestream will continue ONLY for Sunday morning and Wednesday Masses. All other liturgies will be in-person only. We will soon be moving the camera and its computer out of the aisle and into a less visible space.

IN-PERSON WORSHIP: We encourage all parishioners who are able to begin attending our liturgies in person.

 VACCINATIONS If you have not been vaccinated and you are able, please get vaccinated very soon.

Please plan to join us once again in person at St. Stephen’s. There are familiar old faces as well as many new ones; there are beautiful new additions to the church building and new ways of worshipping (we are now using gender-neutral language for God in all of our liturgies at this time). Music continues to fill our space, even more so now with our new organ. It is an exciting and wonderful time here at St. Stephen’s as we begin this new, post-pandemic era, so please join us again as we start returning to this new “normal” way of living.   


                                                Fr. Jamie

                                                The Wardens

                                                The Vestry



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