Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Baptism of Rory Bernstrom

We Episcopalians are a resilient lot! When the Worship Leader, Altar Guild, Coffee Hour crew and acolyte all got snowed in and the organist said he couldn't get out, I was certain this morning's Mass was going to be a bare bones low Mass at best. I certainly never thought the scheduled baptism pf Rory would actually take place (hence the reason I'm in the sarum blue chasuble instead of white). But then, the organist got a ride, the Cantor showed up, the baptismal party showed up and the members who could make it out ended up filling the church. It was a truly beautiful morning and a great way to begin the Advent season.

ALSO, Rory's baptism was the 9th baptism this year at St. Stephen's. The last time we had 9 baptisms in one year at St. Stephen's, Lyndon Johnson was President (it was in 1967).

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