Thursday, July 5, 2012

Prayers for General Convention


For the next week, our own John Baird will be attending the seventy-seventh General Convention of the Episcopal Church held in Indianapolis. As you know, I was also to have attended as a clergy deputy but because of the injuries I sustained in the car accident last week, I am unable to travel.

Convened every three years, General Convention is the governing body of our national church and although it may seem very remote and disconnected from our lives and concerns here in North Dakota, the policies and directions it sets can affect us profoundly.

Because the Episcopal Church in the United States became independent from the Church of England right after the American Revolution, its governance structure is very similar to that of the federal government of the United States. Just as Congress is made up of two houses--the Senate and the House of Representatives--General Convention is composed of two houses--the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. The House of Bishops is made up of over 200 active and retired bishops (including our own Bishop Michael Smith) while the House of Deputies consists of four clergy deputies (our clergy deputies are Deacon Terry Star, Deacon Brandon Mauai, Canon John Floberg and the Reverend Marianne Ell, who is the alternate who replaced me) and four lay deputies (our lay deputies are our own John Baird, Liz Overbo, Donna Petttit and David Bailly) from each diocese, and is over 800 strong.

Whenever more than a thousand Episcopalians gather in one place, there is bound to be a whole lot of spirited (and hopefully Spirit-filled) discussion and debate, and we look forward to hearing about the latest from the national level of our church upon John Baird’s return. (For those wishing to follow the course of events more closely, please check out the media hub sponsored by the Episcopal Church.) During this very important time in our church, I invite each of you to pray for Bishop Smith, our Deputies and for the Episcopal Church:

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the General Convention of the Episcopal Church meeting in Indianapolis for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

On another note, I would like thank everyone who has kept me in your prayers and thoughts, sent cards and flowers, and expressed your concern for me following my car accident. It has been a difficult time for me both as I deal with the physical pain and recovery, as well as my great disappointment on not being able to serve at General Convention (I was unable to even unpack my suitcase until yesterday for some reason). I do ask for your continued prayers and know that you each remain in my daily prayers as well.


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