Monday, July 29, 2024

The week of July 29


Monday, July 29- 

Ambassador deadline

6:00 – Potluck

7:00 – showing of documentary The Philadelphia Eleven



Wednesday, July 31

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant



Friday, August 2 - Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.



Sunday, August 4 – 11 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

James Mackay, organist

Coffee Hour following Mass

We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Upcoming Events:

August 10 - Pride in the Park 

September 8 – Dedication Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks and New Member Sunday

October 25 and 26 – Diocesan Convention in Jamestown


Words of Wisdom:

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.        ~St. Francis of Assisi


From the Green Team:

Carry a reusable water bottle to avoid plastic waste. Single use plastic is a huge contributor to ocean pollution with 8 million metric tons of plastic entering our oceans every year. Reduce your usage by refilling a reusable water bottle to keep you hydrated all summer long. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

The week of July 22

 Monday, July 22 - Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.


 Wednesday, July 24

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant


Friday, July 26 - Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.


 Sunday, July 28 – 10 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

James Mackay, organist

Coffee Hour following Mass

We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Upcoming Events:

July 29 – Movie night at St. Stephen’s

August 10 - Pride in the Park 

September 8 – Dedication Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks and New Member Sunday

October 25 and 26 – Diocesan Convention in Jamestown


Movie Night at St. Stephen’s

Join us on Monday, July 29 at 7:00 p.m. as St. Stephen’s hosts a showing of the documentary The Philadelphia Eleven, about the first women ordained to the Priesthood in the Episcopal Church on July 29, 1974.

The documentary will be shown in the Undercroft. Treats will be provided.

For more information and to watch the trailer, check out the documentary website:




Words of Wisdom:

Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. ~Dalai Lama

From the Green Team:

Eat locally. Not only are farmers markets a great resource for shopping and eating locally grown fruits and veggies, but they’re also a fun summertime activity.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

The week of July 15


Wednesday, July 17

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant



Friday, July 19 - Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.



Sunday, July 21 – 9 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Michelle Gelinske Patnode, musician

Coffee Hour to follow


We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Organist on Retreat

James Mackay, our organist will be on an oblate retreat at St. John’s Abbey July 18-21. Michelle Gelinske Patnode will be covering music while he is gone.



Upcoming Events:

August 10 - Pride in the Park 

September 8 – Dedication Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks and New Member Sunday

October 25 and 26 – Diocesan Convention in Jamestown

Words of Wisdom:

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

From the Green Team:

Consider walking instead of driving. The weather is warmer, and the flowers are in bloom - if you have the option to walk instead of drive - take it!


Monday, July 8, 2024

The week of July 8

 Wednesday, July 10

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Deacon John, assisting

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant



Thursday July 11-Saturday July 13

Fr. Jamie out of town.



Sunday, July 14 – 8 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant

Deacon John, preacher

James Mackay, organist

Coffee Hour

We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Upcoming Events:

August 10 - Pride in the Park 

September 8 – Dedication Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks and New Member Sunday

October 25 and 26 – Diocesan Convention in Jamestown

Good to know:

How are bishops chosen in the Episcopal Church?

In the Episcopal Church, diocesan and suffragan bishops are elected by Diocesan Convention. Bishops-elect are ordained and consecrated after consents have been received from a majority of the diocesan standing committees and from a majority of the bishops exercising jurisdiction in the Episcopal Church.

From the Green Team:

Clean up your freezer and refrigerator at home. To increase the energy efficiency of your fridge by allowing air to circulate better, clean out food that has gone bad or plan to use food that you may be stockpiling.


Monday, July 1, 2024

The week of July 1


Wednesday, July 3

6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

Incense will be offered at this mass

Supper afterward at a local restaurant




Friday, July 5 - Fr. Jamie’s day off

*please refrain from sending Fr. Jamie emails, text messages, Facebook messages or phone calls on his day off unless it is a pastoral emergency.



Sunday, July 7 – 7 Pentecost

11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Fr. Jamie, celebrant / preacher

James Mackay, organist

Coffee hour after Mass

We would love to see you in person but if you are unable to attend please join us for Mass livestreamed at:


Upcoming Events:

August 10 - Pride in the Park

September 8 – Dedication Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks and New Member Sunday

October 25 and 26 – Diocesan Convention in Jamestown


Good to know:

What is wisdom in religion?

Wisdom is the knowledge of God and a life lived for God. Above all else, it is a life characterized by humility. To be a Christian is to be a “little Christ,” someone who embodies the life of Jesus and the example he set for us. And according to St. Paul, this example was first and foremost defined by humility.

From the Green Team:

Use the shade to keep cool. Save energy and buffer the sun’s heat with blinds, heavy curtains, and shade from trees before switching on the AC. When you do switch on the air, set the thermostat up a couple degrees higher than usual - this will slow the steam of heat flowing into your home while helping your AC work more efficiently.